Presented here is a selection of material from some of my Audio-Visual art projects. This covers Live installations, Soundscapes, Experimental Video Work, etc.
In Edinburgh 2020

During what was one of the final weeks before the major nationwide lockdown for COViD-19, I had a wonderful opportunity to spend a week in Edinburgh at The Studio, alongside four other young creators, with the goal of developing and showcasing five new works/ works in progress. The work that I created - In Edinburgh - was conceived out of my experiences and my personal reflections on the city and is a multimedia performance piece consisting of movement, dance, projected video, soundscape and music.
Island recollections 2006 -2019

Annual holidays to the Isle of Wight with my family have always been memorable experiences, due in no small part to the fact that we spent many a happy hour beach-combing. Over the years we have accumulated an eclectic collection of found treasures, flotsam and jetsam, maps, photographs and sound recordings which when assembled together provide a composite snapshot of our time exploring the West Wight coastline. Individually many of the items may seem banal or worthless, but each element triggers memories which collectively give a hint of the sense of place in much the same way as archaeological finds help us reveal the past. This is the first in a series of projects exploring the notion of stratigraphy as methodology for creating open form inter-media installations that deal with an artistic reinterpretation of the relationship between spaces and memory utilising layering, grouping, and juxtaposition.
Imaginary Conversations (2019)

Dialogue which proceeds through reality towards ambiguity and abstraction… interpreted by individual experience and memories… leading to the formulation of situations and events that may have appeared or occurred previously or might yet do so in the future. Combines the ambient compositions of Jackson Mouldycliff, mixed and processed by legendary Nurse With Wound producer Colin Potter, accompanied by an installation of found objects selected and presented by Phil Mouldycliff… playing on the audience’s perceptions and experiences…
Freemantle Parade (2016)
A 2016 video installation from Australian based Artist Dave Carson. The music was composed as a collective effort by the Dead Mountaineers Club (a free Improv band based in the North West of the UK) consisting of Jackson and Phil Mouldycliff, Tim Greenwood and Harry Hardluck and produced by Colin Potter of IC Studios
Tidelines (2016)
Exploring the indeterminacy of the 'line' that separates land and sea, 'Tidelines' uses beachcombed debris, radio static, tape loops, and three layers of ambient composition to synthesize the essence of a conjected coastal landscape. The result of which is an immersive experience that shifts as you walk from one end of the installation to the other.
'Tidelines' was first shown at St. Pauls church in Bolton, which facilitated exciting interactions between the installation and space. The acoustics of the church brought out new dimensions in the work and stained glass windows provided shimmering, water-like, ripples of colored light...